What’s Involved in Receiving and Recovering From Dental Sedation?

Sedation dentistry helps people who have had negative experiences with a dentist or who experience intense emotion and anxiety when considering dental treatment to overcome those experiences, emotions and anxiety. If you or a loved one may benefit from dentistry under sedation, ask your dentist in Okotoks about options and how to receive and recover from sedation safely and comfortably. 

What are the options for receiving sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry in Okotoks uses four types of treatment and a wide variety of drugs to provide different levels of relaxation. Choosing the appropriate level of sedation dentistry near you will require consideration of factors including your level of anxiety, the type of treatment you’re receiving, and the length of time your dentist will be treating you. 

Nitrous oxide

Laughing gas and nitrous oxide are the same thing. Nitrous oxide produces a mild sedative effect that takes effect and dissipates quickly. You inhale the nitrous oxide through a mask or tube and will remain awake at all times.

Oral sedation 

For people who require more relief than provided by nitrous oxide, oral is administered through a pill the night before or in the morning of your treatment. Oral sedation can produce a deeper level of sedation than laughing gas, but you will remain awake throughout your treatment.

IV sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation is the procedure in which sedative drugs are administered through an IV placed in your arm. IV sedation produces a deeper level of sedation akin to that achieved with oral sedation. The staff at the dental clinic near you will monitor you throughout treatment. The sedative effect of IV sedation takes longer to wear off than the effects of nitrous oxide or oral sedation.

General anesthesia

For patients who require the most extreme levels of relief or who are undergoing the most extreme treatment, general anesthesia is the most extreme form of sedation. It achieves a state of relaxation so deep that patients will fall into a deep sleep and be unconscious throughout treatment. Patients undergoing lengthy or complex procedures and who experience very significant fear or anxiety may benefit from general anesthesia. 

What do you need to know about recovering from dental sedation?

If you’ve received dental sedation, you may have undergone significant dental work. Be sure to follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions while also keeping in mind these tips for recovering from the sedation itself. Keep in mind that sedative drugs have effects that alter your perception, memory and coordination — depending on the type of sedation received and the drugs used. That’s why it’s important to follow these tips:

  • After your appointment, consume clear liquids (water and juice) in small and frequent amounts as soon as you like. Avoid dairy initially, then gradually transition to soups and solid food to avoid nausea.
  • Don’t drive home after an appointment under sedation, and avoid driving or operating heavy equipment for at least 12 hours
  • Give yourself 24 hours to get over the effects of sedation
  • During that period, get as much rest as possible
  • Try to have someone with you for at least the first three hours after dental work under sedation
  • Avoid making any important decisions or signing important documents for a day
  • While recovering from sedation, avoid drinking alcohol and smoking

Are you or members of your family avoiding essential dental treatment due to fear, anxiety or other forms of inhibiting factors? Contact a dentist in Okotoks near you to ask if sedation dentistry could help you to get past those issues and to get the treatment you need.

Business Address:-  100 Southbank Blvd #304, Okotoks, AB T1S 0G1, Canada