What is the Best Teeth Whitening Treatment?

Many people want to get teeth whitening, but they do not know what it contains. You see all these products online and influencers' recommendations, but do they work?

As dental professionals, the first we would like to tell you is to look for professional teeth whitening near you instead of Social Media tutorials (unless they are specialists). The truth is the majority of these famous people get paid to show products that damage the enamel due to its abrasion.

When looking for a bleaching agent, you must look at the back of the product. It should contain hydrogen or carbamide peroxide. If the main component is not it, we do not recommend it. Bleaching products based on fruits, carbon, or other acids harm the enamel.

On the contrary, studies show that hydrogen or carbamide peroxide is effective in teeth whitening both in a dental office or from the comfort of your home.

Types of Teeth Whitening

    1. In-Office Teeth Whitening

You may benefit from our in-office teeth whitening in Okotoks. A cosmetic dentist supervises it and may last up to three years.

The procedure requires a single visit. First, your doctor will place a retractor over your lips to separate them from your teeth. Then, they will add a resin over the gumline for protection since the peroxide harms the gingiva (it should only contact your dental pieces). 

Next, the dentist will paint each tooth (the front surface) with a pen or a brush immersed in the product. They will add the peroxide from the incisors to the premolars.

The product acts for 25 minutes. After this time, the dentist washes it and dries your teeth. Another application is necessary for better results. 

Afterward, the dentist will add a desensitizing gel that contains Potassium Nitrate for sensitivity since it is a common side effect.

    2. At-Home Teeth Whitening 

Our cosmetic dentist in Okotoks also uses home systems. Even though the patient is the one who wears it at home, our professionals guide the process. 

The dentist will schedule an appointment for the molds of your mouth. They will send them to a dental technician for the whitening trays, and in about a week, they will be ready. The dentist will give you the kit (syringes with the bleaching agent) and the customized trays.

Depending on the case and sensitivity, they will prescribe it every day or every other day. The time of application is usually 20 minutes. Since this product has a lower dose (3% to 10%), you will notice results after a couple of weeks.

The results last from three months to two years, depending on the lifestyle.

    3. Laser Teeth Whitening

Nowadays, laser teeth whitening is popularizing. Many dentists use a blue light that supposedly speeds up the treatment; therefore, instead of two 20-minute applications in the dental office, they perform two of 8-minute each.

However, there is no scientific evidence of laser teeth whitening being better or more effective. We suggest looking for a cosmetic dentist near you who does not use a laser because, if they do, treatment will cost twice the price without any differences in the results.

In-Office vs. At-Home Teeth Whitening

Choosing one or another depends on your wants and needs. For example, if you prefer going little by little and whitening your teeth from home, we recommend a home kit with the guidance of a professional. If you prefer a single appointment, you may opt for the professional one. The dentist will perform it in one visit and clarify all your doubts.

As for costs, consult with your dentist. Keep in mind that cosmetic treatments do not usually get insurance coverage.

Business Address:-  100 Southbank Blvd #304, Okotoks, AB T1S 0G1, Canada

Dental Implants - The Best Solution for Missing Teeth

Unfortunately, many patients visit our dental clinic due to severely damaged teeth that need dental extractions. They also come partially or fully edentulous, looking for solutions to restore their smiles.

Missing one or many dental pieces impacts your self-esteem. Nobody likes losing a tooth because their smile turns unappealing. Also, they may struggle eating or speaking and feel embarrassed about interacting with others.

Luckily, our dentist in Okotoks offers many options to improve these smiles and boost your confidence again.

What are Dental Implants?

You have probably heard of the wonders of dental implants. They are the first devices to fuse with your jawbone (they become a part of your anatomy) and last up to a lifetime.

Our dental implants in Okotoks are made of titanium. Titanium is a biocompatible material with the body, and, in this case, it will recreate the root of the missing tooth. A dental implant looks like a screw, and it goes inside your jawbone. On top of it, a prosthetic dentist near you places a dental crown for a natural look.

What to Expect from the Procedure?

The procedure of placing dental implants near you is simple. First, you need a preoperatory appointment with your doctor to discuss any medical conditions. They will ask for a blood test to ensure you don’t have any coagulation issues, and they will take a set of x-rays of the space to determine the exact position of the implant. They will also take molds from your mouth to study them and plan a correct treatment.

On the day of the surgery, we advise you to wear comfortable clothes and attend in the morning if you get too anxious. For significant cases of anxiety, we offer sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry consists of taking a sedative before the appointment to be calm and feel relaxed. In these cases, doctors opt for gas or oral sedation.

Even if you opted for sedation dentistry, the doctor administers a local anesthetic in the area because gas sedation does not inhibit the pain of the mouth. After you are numb, they will drill a hole inside the jawbone and place the dental implant. They will put an abutment on top (where the crown will be).

Your dental professional will decide to put a temporary crown depending on the case. Osseointegration (the fuse of the bone and the dental implant) takes three months; therefore, after this time, you may schedule the appointment for your permanent restoration.

Depending on the number of teeth you are missing, you may opt for dental crowns, dentures, partial dentures, or whatever works for your necessities and budget.

A dental implant with a dental crown on top is always the best option when losing a single tooth. In edentulous patients, doctors may install four to six dental implants in each jaw with dental bridges.

Dentistry is not One-Size-Fits-All

The solution for your missing teeth will vary depending on many factors. Your lifestyle, habits, diet, oral hygiene, and the regularity you visit your dentist.

We recommend keeping excellent oral care no matter what the case is. Also, reducing the intake of sugary foods and avoid smoking tobacco are among our suggestions for better oral care and the long life of the devices we place in your mouth.

A dental implant may last for many decades and an entire life; however, you must take care of it and the rest of your teeth to ensure the success of treatments. 

Dental implants have a success rate of 98%. If you are interested in this procedure, contact us today!

Business Address:-  100 Southbank Blvd #304, Okotoks, AB T1S 0G1, Canada

What’s Involved in Receiving and Recovering From Dental Sedation?

Sedation dentistry helps people who have had negative experiences with a dentist or who experience intense emotion and anxiety when considering dental treatment to overcome those experiences, emotions and anxiety. If you or a loved one may benefit from dentistry under sedation, ask your dentist in Okotoks about options and how to receive and recover from sedation safely and comfortably. 

What are the options for receiving sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry in Okotoks uses four types of treatment and a wide variety of drugs to provide different levels of relaxation. Choosing the appropriate level of sedation dentistry near you will require consideration of factors including your level of anxiety, the type of treatment you’re receiving, and the length of time your dentist will be treating you. 

Nitrous oxide

Laughing gas and nitrous oxide are the same thing. Nitrous oxide produces a mild sedative effect that takes effect and dissipates quickly. You inhale the nitrous oxide through a mask or tube and will remain awake at all times.

Oral sedation 

For people who require more relief than provided by nitrous oxide, oral is administered through a pill the night before or in the morning of your treatment. Oral sedation can produce a deeper level of sedation than laughing gas, but you will remain awake throughout your treatment.

IV sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation is the procedure in which sedative drugs are administered through an IV placed in your arm. IV sedation produces a deeper level of sedation akin to that achieved with oral sedation. The staff at the dental clinic near you will monitor you throughout treatment. The sedative effect of IV sedation takes longer to wear off than the effects of nitrous oxide or oral sedation.

General anesthesia

For patients who require the most extreme levels of relief or who are undergoing the most extreme treatment, general anesthesia is the most extreme form of sedation. It achieves a state of relaxation so deep that patients will fall into a deep sleep and be unconscious throughout treatment. Patients undergoing lengthy or complex procedures and who experience very significant fear or anxiety may benefit from general anesthesia. 

What do you need to know about recovering from dental sedation?

If you’ve received dental sedation, you may have undergone significant dental work. Be sure to follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions while also keeping in mind these tips for recovering from the sedation itself. Keep in mind that sedative drugs have effects that alter your perception, memory and coordination — depending on the type of sedation received and the drugs used. That’s why it’s important to follow these tips:

  • After your appointment, consume clear liquids (water and juice) in small and frequent amounts as soon as you like. Avoid dairy initially, then gradually transition to soups and solid food to avoid nausea.
  • Don’t drive home after an appointment under sedation, and avoid driving or operating heavy equipment for at least 12 hours
  • Give yourself 24 hours to get over the effects of sedation
  • During that period, get as much rest as possible
  • Try to have someone with you for at least the first three hours after dental work under sedation
  • Avoid making any important decisions or signing important documents for a day
  • While recovering from sedation, avoid drinking alcohol and smoking

Are you or members of your family avoiding essential dental treatment due to fear, anxiety or other forms of inhibiting factors? Contact a dentist in Okotoks near you to ask if sedation dentistry could help you to get past those issues and to get the treatment you need.

Business Address:-  100 Southbank Blvd #304, Okotoks, AB T1S 0G1, Canada

What is Gum Contouring?

Gum contouring in Okotoks consists of reshaping your gum line to improve its shape and size for a more pleasant appearance.

And besides enhancing your aesthetics, gum contouring improves your oral health. Keep Reading to find out how!

What Happens During Gum Contouring?

If you are looking for gum contouring near you, you must know the steps of the procedure:

Step 1 – A cosmetic dentist near you will administer a local anesthetic in the area to numb it and prevent you from feeling any pain.

Step 2 – Your cosmetic dentist in Okotoks will remove the excess tissue or reshape the existing one, depending on the treatment plan that suits your wants and needs. They will use laser dentistry or a scalpel to cut through the gums.

Step 3 – Suturing the tissue, if necessary. The entire procedure can take a single hour.

Does It Hurt?

As we mentioned above, your dental professional will numb the area for you not to feel any discomfort. 

Nevertheless, after the gum contouring, you may feel mild pain or tenderness.

You can alleviate these symptoms by taking any over-the-counter pain medication, such as Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen. Never take aspirin because it encourages bleeding.

Include soft foods in your diet during the next few days to prevent experiencing extra sensitivity.

Swelling is usual during the next couple of days. We recommend applying an ice pack for ten minutes on/off to reduce it. 

We suggest you take it easy during the rest of the day and resume your responsibilities the next day.


After undergoing gum contouring near you, your doctor will evaluate you a week after. They will monitor if you are healing correctly and, if necessary, prescribe antibiotics. 

Is Gum Contouring Expensive?

The Price of the procedure depends on the amount of gingiva that your doctor needs to remove. If it limits to one tooth, it may cost from $50 to $300 approximately.

When performed due to cosmetic purposes, your insurance company won’t cover it. You may schedule a consultation visit first to ensure that you can afford the treatment. We accept different payment methods that may benefit you.

However, if a doctor recommends the treatment to improve your oral health, you may contact your insurance provider because they might cover part of the treatment.

The excess gum tissue can trap food debris, making you more vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease. If this is your case, you must be extra meticulous with your brushing. Not brush hard, but good. Keep up with your daily brushing (at least twice a day), floss daily, use a mouthwash (if recommended by your dental professional), and visit your dentist regularly to detect any signs of periodontal issues.


If you made it this far, now you know that gum contouring is a simple procedure. Your dentist will perform it in a single appointment, and it improves your aesthetics and your oral health.

From an aesthetic perspective, your teeth may look larger and brighter; and from a medical point of view, it may reduce your risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease. 

Regarding costs, consult with your insurance company. They might cover a part of the treatment if your doctor recommends it for medical reasons.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you have any other questions, you may contact our dental offices at your best convenience. We have a team of caring professionals who look forward to helping you restore your smile and improve your oral health.

Business Address:-  100 Southbank Blvd #304, Okotoks, AB T1S 0G1, Canada


What is Sedation Dentistry & What are the Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

The Amazing Benefits of Sedation Dentistry According to Your Dentist in Okotoks

Depending upon the needs of the patients, the dentist near you has different options to offer. Perhaps the most common solution would be oral sedation. You can also opt for nitrous oxide or IV sedation. If you are scheduled for an invasive dental procedure, ask the dentist for general anesthesia. Each of them provides benefits that you need to consider. 

It Relieves the Patient’s Anxiety

One of the main reasons why people go through sedation dentistry is that it relieves them of their anxiety. They will go through the whole process without any discomfort. Stress can manifest in various forms.  Some patients will have concerns before the procedure but it will quickly dissipate once they realized that the method is exceptionally relaxing. Others can be overwhelmed by their dental fears and the dentist will find it excruciating to conduct the treatment process. To eliminate the fear of the patient, the dentist can administer anesthesia before the start of the treatment.

Prevent the Formation of Traumatic Experience

In most cases, people will look at anterograde amnesia as an unwanted outcome. However, when you have dental anxiety, or you are going through dental surgery, you will realize how beneficial this is. Most people will develop their dental phobia from their unpleasant experiences during their childhood years. The fear will gradually grow as time passes by. With sedation dentistry in Okotoks, it prevents the creation of memories that will worsen your anxiety or phobia.

Prevents Gag Reflex

Generally, gag reflex helps our throat in expelling foreign materials or objects. Unfortunately, this can be a hindrance when the dentist is conducting a dental procedure. There are instances when the dentist will have to dig deeper inside the patient’s oral cavity, and gag reflex can make the work extra challenging for them. Additionally, it may also cause damage depending on the procedure that the dentist is undertaking. By eliminating the issue of gag reflex, the dentist can work more efficiently and faster.

Relieves the Pain

We understand why people will develop dental fear and anxiety. No one wants to experience the excruciating pain associated with gum infection and tooth decay. When your dentist in Okotoks applies anesthesia, all forms of discomfort will dissipate completely. Your brain no longer will have the capacity to process pain.

Faster Procedure

Apart from dental anxiety, another reason why some people will choose to delay their dental appointment is that they find it inconvenient. We understand how life can be so busy that you don’t have time to spare. With sedation dentistry, you will be able to sit still in the dentist’s chair. The dentist will work faster since he or she won’t have any interruptions. The process will also be more productive— it ensures that your way to recovery is much faster.

Business Address:-  100 Southbank Blvd #304, Okotoks, AB T1S 0G1, Canada

The Reasons Why Dental Checkups Should Not Be Skipped


Most people have skipped a dental check-up sometime in their lives, thinking it was of no consequence since there was no oral problem to be addressed. Many believe that a visit to the dental clinic is required only when you need specific dental care! However, this is a false belief amongst people who are ignorant about preventive dentistry. Dental check-ups are not only meant to be conducted when you experience pain or other oral discomforts, but you should schedule regular check-ups with a dentist near you to detect the possibility of any oral problems and also nip them in the bud.

There are several reasons why you should avoid skipping dental checkups near you.

1. To Prevent Toothaches

Toothaches are notoriously painful experiences that you would want to avoid at all costs. The cause of toothaches could be tooth decay, the formation of plaque or cavities. The harmful bacteria that develop in the mouth, although needed for food decomposition, are the reason for plaque formation. The waste from these bacteria settles on our teeth in the form of plaque, which hardens to form tartar or calculus if left even for 12 hours. This calcified tartar can only be cleaned by a dentist or a hygienist, and if allowed to remain for long can weaken tooth enamel resulting in tooth decay.

2. Oral Cancer Screening

Most dentists in Okotoks conduct oral cancer screenings as part of regular dental check-ups. This means that you will undergo a visual or Velscope screening that will detect any early signs of oral cancer that exist in your mouth. Even if the dentist near you does not provide oral cancer screening, they can usually rely on their experience and knowledge to quickly notice any anomaly that could be an early sign of oral cancer. In the absence of regular dental check-ups, the chances of detecting oral cancer in an advanced stage are quite high.

3. To Prevent Periodontal Diseases

Gum infections are the most common cause of tooth loss. Plaque and tartar affect the gums as much as they affect the teeth, and if left untreated for long can cause inflammations, irritation, bad breath and even tooth loss. Regular dental check-ups ensure your mouth is free of plaque or tartar, hence preventing periodontal issues.

4. To Prevent Tooth Loss

Any dental problem, when left untreated for a prolonged period, will result in eventual tooth loss.  Most of the oral diseases or problems such as cavities, plaque formation, tooth decay or gum infections can be avoided with preventive dentistry and dental check-ups. Think of it this way - the more to ignore an existing problem, the more the chances of it resulting in tooth loss.

5. To Avoid Complex And Invasive Treatments

A regular dental check-up in Okotoks means your dentist gets a chance to explore your oral health, assess its condition, and recommend any treatments that might be required to restore your oral health to the ideal state. This means that any developing issues will be detected early and can be resolved through simple treatments. When dental check-ups are avoided, these issues go unnoticed until they assume greater forms that require complex, invasive, and expensive treatments.

6. Keeping Your Smile Clean And Beautiful

The key to a beautiful smile is excellent oral health. Teeth and gums that are healthy, clean, and free of issues, shine through your smile making it beautiful. There is no doubt about the fact that a dazzling smile can provide a positive boost to your self-esteem. Going for dental check-ups once every six months is a good way to maintain your oral health and keep that sparkle in your smile!

Starting from good oral health to avoiding complex dental treatments, there are many benefits of regular dental check-ups that make it an essential part of your overall health. Make dental check-ups a part of your regular health regime and reap the benefits of a strong set of teeth along with a beautiful smile!

Business Address:-  100 Southbank Blvd #304, Okotoks, AB T1S 0G1, Canada

What Causes Extreme Tooth Sensitivity (And How To Treat It)


Sensitive teeth is no fun.  Not only can it seriously take away from your enjoyment of food, but it can actually be quite painful if it gets bad enough.

Fortunately, if you are suffering from extremely sensitive teeth, there are solutions. Here’s why your teeth may be sensitive, how to prevent and treat the problem, and how a dentist near you can help.

What Causes Extremely Sensitive Teeth?

There are a number of potential causes when it comes to tooth sensitivity. 

To start with, some people are simply cursed with teeth that are more sensitive than others. This is due largely to enamel (the hard outer layer that protects it), and the fact that certain individuals simply have thinner enamel than others.

But it could also be caused by other factors. 

Anything that strips the enamel away could leave you with very sensitive teeth.  This can include things like a broken, cracked or decaying tooth. It can also be caused by seemingly unrelated issues like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), since the constant flow of acid from the stomach can gradually erode the enamel over time

Another potential cause of this could be gum recession, since it leaves portions of the tooth exposed.

There may also be a number of things you’re actually doing that’s caused your teeth to become sensitive over time.  This can include an overconsumption of acidic foods and beverages (soft drinks, citrus fruits, etc) and using a toothbrush that’s too hard.

If you’re unsure as to what exactly is causing your tooth sensitivity, a dentist in Okotoks can better evaluate your situation and find out exactly what’s going on.

How To Treat And Prevent Sensitive Teeth

The first step to eliminating or reducing the problem is to identify if something specific is causing it and address that.  GERD, for example, can be managed with diet and certain medications (consult with your physician).

But even if there’s no clearly identifiable cause, there are certain steps that almost everyone can take to help prevent and treat sensitive teeth.

An easy initial change can simply be your toothpaste, and opting for an option that’s designed specifically for sensitivity.  You should also be careful when choosing a mouthwash, since those with alcohol can actually irritate your teeth (you could also consider a desensitizing toothpaste).

The same goes for your toothbrush.  Many patients have reported that using one with a soft bristle toothbrush goes a long way to reducing their discomfort

You should also maintain good oral hygiene - brush, floss and arrange for a dental cleaning in Okotoks on a regular basis.  While you may be reluctant because of the pain associated with it, a dental cleaning near you is essential in order to remove plaque and prevent decay that will only make your situation worse.

Finally, adjusting your diet and reducing your consumption of acidic foods can be a tremendous help.

If none of these initial steps are working, there are other treatment options that you and your dentist might consider.  They may, for example, apply fluoride to help strengthen the enamel.  If your sensitivity is being caused by receding gums, they may recommend a gum graft.

Finally, if the situation becomes serious enough and none of the other options provide relief, you may need to have a root canal performed.  While it’s a big procedure, root canals are a very effective treatment option for teeth that are in severe pain.

However, it’s important to note that these cases are the minority.  Small lifestyle changes and adjustments to your oral hygiene routine are often sufficient to treat sensitive teeth and help get you back to feeling normal again.

Business Address:-  100 Southbank Blvd #304, Okotoks, AB T1S 0G1, Canada

Traditional Braces VS Invisalign – The Pros and Cons


Invisalign and traditional braces may seem to be similar in plenty of ways. Cost-wise, it is both priced almost the same, and the result is the same – a great smile! A closer look into both, and there are significant differences between both treatments making Invisalign a more beneficial treatment than traditional braces. If you are looking for Invisalign in Okotoks, consult with a dentist who offers Invisalign near you.

The Structure

Invisalign is an invisible form of treatment to fix your teeth. It is constructed from BPA free plastic in the shape of trays that are custom made to fit your teeth perfectly. Invisalign is slowly becoming a more popular option for people as they feel more confident in Invisalign than Traditional Braces.

Traditional Braces are constructed from brackets of either metal, stainless steel, or ceramic material that is glued to the front and side of the teeth. It is more visible to the naked eye as it consists of bands that are metal rings placed around or on the back of your teeth.

Comfort, Removability, and Maintenance

Invisalign does not cause sores in your mouth. It is a more comfortable option of treatment as compared to traditional braces. Invisalign is easily removable even at the comfort of your home. It is also easier to maintain as compared to traditional braces. All you have to do is clean the trays with lukewarm water or a cleaning solution after eating or drinking anything except water.

The metal rings and brackets of traditional braces can cause constant soreness in the mouth. It can be removed only by a dentist or orthodontist and definitely cannot be removed at home. Maintaining braces is a little more tedious. It is mandatory to brush and floss regularly to clean traditional braces as it is common for food to get stuck in the wires and brackets of the braces.

Eating and Drinking 

With Invisalign, eating or drinking remains the same as you can take the Invisalign out before eating or drinking.

With Traditional Braces, it is not removable. Therefore, eating and drinking can be restricted to void sticky or hard food which can be difficult to chew. Drinking too much coffee or wine must also be avoided. The food and drink can affect the metal, therefore damaging the wires and brackets.


The treatment time for Invisalign can last from six to 18 months and is worn for at least 22 hours a day, depending on the individual’s requirement. For complex dental problems, it is recommended for individuals to get Traditional Braces instead of Invisalign.

In the case of Traditional Braces, it is a more effective method to straighten teeth as it is irremovable and is worn 24 hours – seven days a week. It typically is a two-year treatment period. Traditional Braces are best for complicated dental problems, as it helps in closing gaps and aligning teeth faster since it is irremovable.


Invisalign aligners are almost invisible and discrete. It is not easily visible to the naked eye. Many adults prefer this method of treatment as it makes them less conscious.

Traditional Braces on the hand give the mouth a metallic appearance with the metal brackets and wires. Although braces are more visually appealing than the past with many more color options for both the brackets and the wires or elastics, it is still visible when you open your mouth.


The cost difference between Invisalign and Traditional Braces can either be almost the same or vary depending on the kind of braces you opt for or require. Traditional Braces are known to be cheaper and the cost varies from individual to individual.

Follow Up Appointments

Both Invisalign and Traditional braces require to follow up appointments with your dentist. The only difference is the number of follow-up appointments that are required. These appointments are necessary for your dentist to monitor the progress and positioning of your teeth.

With Invisalign, the trays have to be changed every two weeks, hence you are required to visit your dentist near you every two weeks.

With Traditional Braces, depending on the type of braces and the individual’s requirement, a follow-up appointment is required every four to eight weeks. Your dentist will change the bands or elastics attached to the brackets of your braces and change or tighten the wire of your braces, as needed, during the follow-up appointments. 

So, is Invisalign better for you? Or is Traditional Braces more apt to straighten your smile? Still, confused about the mode of treatment best suited for you? Don’t worry. Book an appointment with a dental clinic near you to learn more about which treatment works best for you. A dentist in Okotoks is happy to help.

Business Address:-  100 Southbank Blvd #304, Okotoks, AB T1S 0G1, Canada

Laser in Dentistry, Does It Work?

laser-in-dentistry-does it-work

Modern dentistry has revolutionized the dental field. Nowadays, some techniques make treatment faster, safer, and more comfortable for the patient. 

Perhaps you have heard of laser dentistry near you but are not sure if it works or not. We will explain the benefits of laser in dentistry and its indications.

Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry in Okotoks consists of using a medical laser to treat one or many teeth. Our cosmetic dentist in Okotoks will modify a tissue that he or she would normally remove with a traditional dental drill.

Laser dentistry is helpful in patients that suffer from dental anxiety since it reduces the noises and even the recovery time in some of the procedures.

You may visit a cosmetic dentist near you to know what procedures can be done with the use of laser. We will list some of them below:

  • Prepare a tooth for a dental crown.
  • Reshape prominent gums (gummy smile).
  • Prepare a tooth for a dental filling.
  • Treat gum disease in many of its stages.
  • Crown lengthening to gain more exposure to the crown of the tooth.
  • Teeth whitening.
  • Release a short frenulum in your upper lip (lip-tie) or beneath your tongue (tongue-tie).

As you can tell, laser in dentistry works for many treatments because it has many benefits.

Benefits of Laser in Dentistry

Among the perks of using a laser in dentistry, we can find the following:

  • Say goodbye to noises – Studies show that one of the reasons why people are afraid of the dentist is the loud and unpleasant sound of the hand-pieces. If you feel related and you, too, fear these sounds, laser in dentistry may be your solution. Even though sometimes your dentist will still need to use a dental drill, it may reduce the time of its usage. You may also opt for sedation dentistry if your dental anxiety is too severe. It consists of the use of a sedative before the procedure to make you feel calm.
  • Little to no anesthetic – It is safe to say that everybody dislikes the injection of local anesthetic. Since a laser is less invasive, sometimes, your dental professional won’t need to use the numb medication in the procedure.
  • No sutures – Laser helps to seal a cut; hence, it is uncommon to need sutures after surgery.
  • Sterilizes tissue – Laser also sterilizes the tissue; therefore, the risk of infection decreases.
  • Faster recovery – Unlike a scalpel incision, incisions with laser are more prĂ©cised, which results in faster tissue healing. It also lessens the discomfort of the patient afterward.
  • Less bleeding – A laser improves coagulation; therefore, the bleeding will be minor after dental surgery.

If you made it this far, now you know about the many benefits of laser in dentistry. Sure, it may not work in some procedures, such as fixing a dental filling, but it has a wide range of usage, and it may change your dental experience by making it more comfortable and pleasant.

Even though the ADA is optimistic about the role of lasers in the dental field, they have not approved any laser as an alternative to conventional treatment. 

Keep in mind that your dental professional must have a laser dentistry certification to use lasers in their offices. We have an excellent team of cosmetic dentists that have it and look forward to helping you improve your oral health.

If you have any other questions about this topic, feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience.

This blog does not intend to replace a consultation visit with your doctor. For diagnostic or any other doubts, we suggest that you seek professional assistance.

Business Address:-  100 Southbank Blvd #304, Okotoks, AB T1S 0G1, Canada